Brattleboro Area Affordable Housing is a non-profit organization serving Windham County, VT.  We have worked since 1995 to support affordable housing through state and local advocacy as well as programs to assist landlords, homeowners, and residents. Our aim is to increase, improve and maintain housing that is available to those in need and to be a resource to our neighbors.

We serve people in Windham County, Vermont and the bordering towns of New Hampshire. We have no paid full-time staff. Our programs are implemented by volunteers: members of the board as well as other organizations with complimentary goals.

Why We Volunteer

At BAAH, we are in love with the Brattleboro area. We are grateful to live in strong and vibrant communities. A home that is surrounded by gorgeous mountains, rivers, lakes, and wilderness. And, we are resolved to make the Brattleboro area a place where all our community members can afford to live.

It all begins at home – where the impact of housing instability, unaffordable rents, and unsafe homes adversely affect all aspects of people’s lives, our community, and our lives together.

We think our community is great and we think it will be even better when we live in a place where all community members can afford safe and decent housing.


contactus     ourprograms


We gratefully acknowledge the following people and organizations who have made our work possible through their generous support:

  • Faithful individual donors
  • Local businesses and organizations
  • Our board members, past and present